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New module: Allergy

In France, 20-25% of the general population suffers from allergies.
To help you propose effective, long-lasting solutions, CEDH has designed a one-day training module dedicated to the management of the allergic terrain through simple, curative and preventive homeopathic treatment.

Program overview:

- Pathophysiology of allergy
- Consultation: managing the allergic terrain
– Etiology medicines
– Inflammation medicines
- Allergic rhinitis
- Asthma
- Skin allergies: Urticaria, reaction to insect bites, Polymorphous light eruption , eczema
- Support for recurrent ENT conditions

Find out more about the training course: MTH Allergy Prerequisites: An introductory training course (Module “Clinical Homeopathy Essentials” or “Family Medicine”) is required to integrate this module.